People First of Canada, in partnership with the Canadian Down Syndrome Society, is offering presentations about language and the ‘R word’ to students in middle schools across Canada.

Words and language have a profound effect on people. People with intellectual disabilities of all kinds – autism, Down syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Disorder, and learning disabilities to name a few – have all faced discrimination of some kind or another. They have been labeled and called names. They hear the ‘R word’ every day – on TV, on the radio, and in the hallways of their school. This presentation is intended to help students understand the importance and impact of their words on students with intellectual disabilities.
The presentations are delivered by people who have been labeled with an intellectual disability along with support from an advisor. This one-hour presentation teaches students about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and discusses the importance of language.
The presentation also explores civil rights movements and looks at the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Students will learn about disability and:
- The right to education
- The right to employment
- The right to be included in the community, and
- The importance of language.
Please contact People First of Canada to request a presentation in your school.