Federal Financial Services
PFC Federal Financial Services Project
People First of Canada is working on a new project. We are doing a research project about federal financial services.
Our organization has 6 priorities and one of those is the belief that people with a disability shouldn’t have to live in poverty. They deserve an equal standard of living. Last year, we started a project that looks at this issue.
This is a research project about federal or national financial services. The project includes these financial services:
- Disability Tax Credit
- Registered Disability Savings Plan
- Banking services
- Canada Disability Benefit
Our Project Partners
Our partners for this project are Community Living Ontario and L’Arche Canada. They are both working to make sure that we connect with people who are labeled with an intellectual or developmental disability.
Our Project Funder
The funder for this project is Accessible Standards Canada and the Government of Canada. We also call them ASC. They are a government department that helps set the standards or rules and guidelines to help make things fair and equal for Canada.
How are Self Advocates Involved?
We have an advisory committee for this project with 6 self advocates from across Canada. They are members of People First of Canada, Community Living Ontario and L’Arche Canada.
The advisory committee is helping us make sure that we find useful information. They are giving us their feedback to help make this project strong. We also have self advocates co-facilitating all of the public research activities.
How Can YOU Get Involved?
Right now, you can take our online survey. Click here to read more information about how to take the survey.
This survey is only for the following people.
- People labelled with an intellectual or developmental disability
Click here to take the survey online – in English
Click here to take the survey by using a video – in English
You can also fill out a paper copy of the survey. Or you can do the survey on the phone with one of our research assistants. Just get in touch and let us know.
Contact us by sending an email to monica@peoplefirstofcanada.ca
Or you can call us at 204-784-7362 Ext. 4 and leave a message with your mailing address or phone number.
Click to find out more about the project.