You have probably heard a lot about the COVID-19 virus that is affecting our whole world right now. Events are being cancelled and people are being quarantined. This means that they are being isolated from other people so they don’t spread the virus to them.
Here is some information about the virus.
What is it?
COVID-19 is a virus that is very similar to the flu and the common cold. You may not know if you are infected unless you get tested.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms are much like the flu and the common cold. These include fever, cough, and breathing problems. Sometimes people will also have a headache.

What should you do if you have symptoms?
What to do if you have symptoms will be different for each person. If you are healthy and under 50 years old you should just stay home. You should do the same things you would if you had the common cold. That would be getting fluids, getting rest and avoiding other people.
For other people, they may need to contact a doctor. This includes people who are older than 50 who are sick and have breathing problems. This also includes people who may have immune system diseases and are sick. Or people who have already have medical conditions and are now sick.
Most provinces and territories are asking people to call ahead before they go to the doctor, hospital or clinic. You should find out the number to call in your community.
How can you avoid being infected?
The virus spreads from person to person. People are being told to keep at least 6 feet of distance between each other. This will help the virus from being spread around more.
There are other things you can do to reduce your risk of getting the virus. The most important one is washing your hands often.
Wash your hands
Wash your hands often. Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use a hand sanitizer if you do not have soap and water.
Avoid touching your face
Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Use tissues for coughs
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue. Then throw the tissue into the trash.
Avoid people who are sick
Avoid being in contact with people who are sick. This includes your family members.
Clean and disinfect
Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are touched a lot. This includes things like door knobs and countertops.
Stay home if you are sick
If you are sick you should stay home. This way you will not spread the virus to other people.
Keep informed
Follow the news. Listen for any information from your community or province or territory. There are updates everyday from public health officers. They will let people know what is happening with the virus and any health information you may need.
Stay safe and healthy out there!
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