People First of Canada is the national organization representing people with intellectual disabilities.

People First of Canada is the national voice for people who have been labeled with an intellectual disability. We are about rights – human rights, citizenship rights, accommodations rights and language rights. The right to freedom, choice and equality for all.




Q&A: Manitoba Development Centre Class Action

May 29, 2021 | Click here to download an update and some answers to questions raised during the PFC Lunch & Learn event about the Manitoba Development Centre class action lawsuit.

Editorial: Living with care, support, and an intellectual disability during COVID-19

Apr 15, 2021 | Click here for the People First of Canada Executive Committee's editorial [PDF] about the COVID-19 outbreak at Participation House in Markham, Ontario.

Press Release: Disability Rights Community Demands Feds Kill Proposed Amendments

Feb 24, 2021 | Click here for the press release from People First of Canada about the changes to the medical assistance in dying laws.


People First of Canada’s 25th Anniversary!

April 6, 2016

Today is the 25th anniversary of People First of Canada’s official beginning! We will be celebrating this accomplishment throughout the year and having our one-day conference and gala in October 2016.

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People First of Canada and the Manitoba Opera

March 31, 2016

Did you know that People First of Canada has been working with the Manitoba Opera? We are representing on a committee that is looking at a character in the play Of Mice and Men. The character has an intellectual disability and they want to make sure he is shown with dignity. Our president, Kory Earle, will be part of a panel discussion held by the Manitoba Opera. The panel is called “Stereotypes & Portrayal of People Labelled with Intellectual Disabilities in Media, Culture & Arts/Entertainment.” It will be held at the Canadian Museum…

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SIGN TO SUPPORT THE STANDARD – Doctor Assisted Dying and the Vulnerable Persons Standard

March 8, 2016

When it comes to the right-to-die laws, we need safeguards for vulnerable people. This includes people with intellectual disabilities. The Vulnerable Persons Standard is a series of evidence-based safeguards intended to protect the lives of Canadians. These safeguards will help make sure that Canadians who request help from doctors to end their life can do so without putting at risk the lives of vulnerable people. Vulnerable people may be abused or may be pushed into making a decision about ending their lives. We support the Vulnerable Persons Standard. People First of Canada…

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Inclusive Education Month

February 29, 2016

People First of Ontario has a great project called ‘Our Community Our Lives: Strengthening Communities through Active Living and Social Inclusion.’ During Inclusive Education Month (February), the project went out and spoke to students with disabilities about community and belonging when it comes to school. The students had a lot to say about belonging and also about how they would like to be more included and do more at school. Take a look through the photos to see what they said in their own words!

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The Riot! Newsletter – Maple Leaf Edition

February 4, 2016

People First of Canada is pleased to present the product of our work with the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) – the first ever Maple Leaf issue of “The Riot!” newsletter. It is titled We Belong from Sea to Sea to Sea – Or Do We? We would like to thank the folks at The Riot! for all their help in pulling this together with us. We really enjoyed this chance to work together. We would also like to thank our members from across the country who contributed their experiences to the…

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