People First of Canada is the national organization representing people with intellectual disabilities.

People First of Canada is the national voice for people who have been labeled with an intellectual disability. We are about rights – human rights, citizenship rights, accommodations rights and language rights. The right to freedom, choice and equality for all.




Q&A: Manitoba Development Centre Class Action

May 29, 2021 | Click here to download an update and some answers to questions raised during the PFC Lunch & Learn event about the Manitoba Development Centre class action lawsuit.

Editorial: Living with care, support, and an intellectual disability during COVID-19

Apr 15, 2021 | Click here for the People First of Canada Executive Committee's editorial [PDF] about the COVID-19 outbreak at Participation House in Markham, Ontario.

Press Release: Disability Rights Community Demands Feds Kill Proposed Amendments

Feb 24, 2021 | Click here for the press release from People First of Canada about the changes to the medical assistance in dying laws.


7th Annual Policy Forum on Inclusion

November 24, 2016

People First of Canada is pleased to be co-hosting the 7th Annual Federal Policy Forum on Inclusion with the Canadian Association for Community Living, and in collaboration with the Office for Disability Issues, Employment and Social Development Canada. The focus of this year’s forum is Access to Affordable Housing in Safe and Inclusive Communities. The Policy Forum will be held in Ottawa on December 2, 2016.

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What Have I Learned from People First?

November 19, 2016

For People First of Canada’s 25th anniversary, we asked our members, advisors, supporters and staff to send us a little video and tell us what they have learned from being involved with People First over the years. We want to thank everybody who contributed a video and a special thanks to Travis Neufeld for putting it all together. Here is the video of what YOU said – enjoy! (Click the “Read More” link below.)

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People First of Canada Position Paper on Doctor-Assisted Dying

May 16, 2016

People First of Canada held its spring board meeting this past weekend in Winnipeg, Manitoba. During the meetings, the PFC board finalized our position paper on doctor-assisted dying legislation and our support of the Vulnerable Persons Standard.

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Institution Watch Newsletter – Spring 2016 Edition!

April 18, 2016

On behalf of Laurie Larson and Shane Haddad (Co-Chairs) and the entire CACL PFC National Task Force on the Right to Live in Community, we are pleased to share the latest edition of the Institution Watch newsletter. This is a powerful edition that looks at the inappropriate placement of people with intellectual disabilities in nursing homes, hospitals, and other long-term care facilities. Please read, enjoy, and share!

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Video Series – This Is My Life

April 12, 2016
This Is My Life video series

People First of Ontario (PFO) has developed a great new resource in the form of a video series called This Is My Life. The videos are part of a project called Our Community Our Lives: Strengthening Communities through Active Living and Social Inclusion. There are 14 videos in total, featuring People First of Ontario members talking about their lives and the issues that are important to them – like having a home, a job, a relationship, friends, and the importance of advocacy for people with intellectual disabilities. Click the “Read More” button…

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